Frenulum plastic surgery


What is frenulum plastic surgery and why is this operation necessary

Lip frenulum plastic surgery is an operation during which the frenulum tissue is cut. The lip frenulum is a part of the oral cavity that looks like a fold of mucous membrane. It is necessary to ensure the normal fixation of the upper lip to the jawbone. Usually, the frenulum is woven into the gum tissue at a distance of 0.5-0.8 cm from the necks of the anterior incisors. And if the frenulum of the lip goes beyond the areas of the anterior incisors, and the attachment points are not visible at all, then it is considered too shortened. Usually, the doctor detects this pathology immediately during a visual examination. This procedure should be performed when there are indications for it, and only on the doctor's referral.

Why the frenulum of the upper lip is cut.

With normal development of the frenulum, it is possible to freely pronounce sounds, words, perform correct articulation, move the lips, open and close the mouth.

Please note! If there are pathologies and defects in the development of the frenulum, poor lip mobility is observed, problems arise in their functioning, and various external defects appear.

Lip frenulum plastic surgery is needed to prevent such unpleasant consequences as:

  1. The appearance of sucking disorders in children. Usually, in newborns, the upper lip takes a greater part in sucking, and if there are pathologies in its development, then problems may appear during natural feeding.
  2. Problems with the sound of words. When the frenulum is shortened, there are disorders in its formation and pronunciation. Often this pathology causes problems in pronouncing lip sounds and vowels. In these situations, the speech therapist advises to correct this part, and after this procedure, all defects in pronunciation completely disappear.
  3. In adults, a short frenulum can cause malocclusion and problems with chewing food, which can lead to digestive disorders.
  • The presence of a short frenulum, as well as its close attachment to the margin in the alveolar ridge, can cause the interdental papillae in the space between the anterior teeth to be pulled back. As a result, an area appears in the bone tissue between the areas of the tooth sockets, which is also called a diastema. Additionally, the size of the space between the crowns may increase.
  1. A shortened frenulum causes the gums to pull back, resulting in a gum pocket, calculus deposition, and gum inflammation.
  • Abnormal attachment can cause tooth instability, exposure of root areas, and increased sensitivity.
  • If there is a wide frenulum, there is an increased accumulation of food particles and plaque formation on the surface of the teeth;

Correction of the frenulum is necessary not only to eliminate the above unpleasant consequences, but also for preventive treatment of periodontal pathologies and inflammation in the oral cavity.



What are the indications for lip frenulum plastic surgery?

Adjustments are made if there are such factors:

  • Plastic surgery is often prescribed when there is a gap between the front teeth. In these situations, a wide frenulum interferes with the normal convergence of the incisors to the central area. Due to the fact that increased pressure is constantly exerted, the gap gradually becomes larger and the teeth are displaced in different directions. Also, if the interdental papilla is damaged, periodontitis appears;
  • is recommended for use during orthodontic treatment therapy. All the soft tissues of the oral cavity, as well as the frenulum of the lip, cause increased pressure on the teeth and provoke malocclusion. If orthodontic treatment therapy is required, the lip frenulum is firstly plasticized;
  • if there are periodontal pathologies, as well as the risk of their occurrence. Usually, in such cases, a short bridle causes the mucous tissue to tighten at the base of the teeth, which causes root exposure;
  • plastic surgery of the lip frenulum is recommended in the preparatory period before the placement of dentures. If the frenulum is shortened, it can cause the prosthetic elements to fall off;
  • frenulum plastic surgery is recommended in case of problems in pronouncing words, problematic pronunciation of sounds and other diction problems. But only a specialist can determine exactly whether the frenulum of the upper lip needs to be trimmed during the examination.

When it is better to do this procedure.


Despite the fact that cleft lip plastic surgery is considered a fairly simple, easy surgical intervention that does not cause serious health complications, it is imperative to know when it is better to trim. For example, for newborns, this procedure is recommended when there are problems with natural feeding.

Important! It is advisable for children to undergo this operation when they reach the age of five, when the front teeth have erupted 1/3 of the way through. If the lip frenulum plastic surgery is performed during this period, there will be no manifestation of diastema, and the front teeth will grow in a normal position.

Many doctors recommend performing this operation when children are 7-8 years old. During this period, usually the 4 upper incisors are fully grown and formed. This procedure is recommended only for adults and adolescents.


Contraindications to this operation include the following conditions and diseases:

  • Presence of chronic pathologies of the oral mucosa.
  • Not recommended for osteomyelitis.
  • If there is multiple caries in a complicated form.
  • When irradiating the head and neck.

There are also general contraindications, including the following conditions:

  • is not performed in case of cerebral complications;
  • in case of dysmorphophobia;
  • correction is not done in case of alcohol abuse;
  • in case of mental pathologies;
  • should not be done in case of blood diseases;
  • in the presence of infectious pathologies in the acute stage;
  • for chronic diseases;
  • if there are oncological pathologies;
  • in the presence of collagenosis, this condition is characterized by a tendency to scarring.

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  • Correction of the bridle from 2500 UAH

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Preparatory procedures before surgery.

In order for the lip frenulum plastic surgery to be successful and all developmental pathologies to be completely eliminated, you need to properly prepare for the operation. To do this, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Before the operation, it is necessary to clean and disinfect the oral cavity;
  2. Additionally, doctors may recommend taking tests to help identify the presence of diseases and contraindications;
  3. Sometimes X-ray fluoroscopy is prescribed, but it is rarely performed because the operation is quick and less traumatic;
  4. Before the frenulum plastic surgery is started, the child must be fed. An operation that is performed on an empty stomach is much more difficult to tolerate, and there may be problems with blood clotting.

Ways to trim the frenulum of the upper lip.

There are the following types of trimming:

  • if the lip frenulum has a narrow structure that looks like a transparent film, and it is not attached to the edge of the alveolar ridge, then phrenotomy or dissection is recommended. With this surgical intervention, an incision is made across the gum, and then sutures are applied along the gum;
  • if there is a wide frenulum, then frenectomy is recommended, namely its excision. During this type of surgery, an incision is made in the area of the tensioned ridge, and at the same time, the interdental papillae and tissue located in the bone gap between the roots of the spaced front teeth are excised.

Also, plastic surgery of the lip frenulum can be performed with the help of frenuloplasty, during which the attachment point is moved. This type of surgery can be performed in two ways.


Y-shaped frenuloplasty. During this procedure, the fixed frenulum is excised with a scalpel or gingival scissors. Then a diamond-shaped defect is left on the mucous tissue. After that, the cut edge of the mucosal layer is pushed inside the formed area with the help of a dissolver. In this area, it is fixed to the periosteum with a suture with a knotted structure, then the wound is sutured.

Z-shaped frenuloplasty. First, freezing is performed, then a vertical incision is made that runs through the center. On both sides of it, two oblique incisions are made, which should have an angle of inclination of 60 to 85 degrees. As a result, two triangular-shaped flaps should be formed, but the central incision should go into a horizontal plane. After that, the submucosal tissue is exfoliated along the periosteum with the help of a rasp, and then the horizontal incision is sutured. The flaps are attached to the periosteum with a catgut.

How to care for the oral cavity after plastic surgery of the upper lip frenulum.

Since lip frenulum plastic surgery is a light, quick surgical intervention, recovery after it is quite fast and practically without complications. However, after the anesthetic wears off, unpleasant pain may occur. Therefore, it is important to follow several aftercare recommendations:

  • Every day, you need to carry out the necessary oral hygiene procedures - brushing your teeth twice a day, brushing your gums and tongue, and rinsing your mouth with antiseptic solutions;
  • For about two days, you should avoid eating too hot and hard foods;
  • On the second or third day, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct a postoperative examination.

This is interesting! For patients in adolescence and adulthood, it is additionally recommended to perform special myogymnastics - a set of exercises that strengthens masticatory and facial muscle tissue. The approximate recovery period is about 4-5 days. During this period of time, unpleasant sensations are completely eliminated, and the recovery and disappearance of all sores is observed.


Our doctors

Artem Viktorovych
Oleksandra Anatolivna
Ivan Mykolayovych
Natalia Yaroslavivna
Olena Okhotnytska
Artur Valeriyovych
Iryna Anatoliyivna
Vasily Vasilyevich
Alina Zinovievna
Yevheniia Volodymyrivna
Pediatric dentist
Olga Olehivna
Pediatric dentist

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