Gum treatment

Gum treatment - you are not in danger of a toothless smile with "Oleksiuk"

Gum disease is unlikely to drive you crazy, but you can lose your teeth. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to this problem.

According to the Ministry of Health, every 5th person in the world is at risk of losing their teeth if gum disease is not diagnosed in time.

The most common diseases of the periodontium of the gums, i.e. the tissue that holds the tooth, are gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. However, gingivitis is the initial stage of periodontitis (we talked a little about gingivitis). When a person goes to dentistry at the stage of gingivitis, it is successfully treated.

The process of gingivitis turning into periodontitis is very simple. Periodontitis used to be considered a hallmark of old age. And now it starts in childhood. As a rule, no one pays attention to the disease and it has no characteristic signs. Somewhere you didn't brush or went to bed with unbrushed teeth - that is, unsatisfactory brushing. Therefore, 85-90% of people suffer from periodontitis in adulthood. The phenomenon of gingivitis is always present, but in a more advanced stage.

Also at risk of periodontitis are people who have bad habits or work in heavy industries, as well as patients who have a genetic predisposition to periodontal tissue diseases.

Periodontitis, in medical terms, is a multifactorial gum disease caused by several reasons, such as malocclusion, malformed teeth, protein and vitamin deficiency in the human diet.

By the way, the structure of food plays an important role in the development of the disease. Very soft foods do not help clean teeth and do not provide a normal load when chewing. This is a direct path to periodontitis. Such a bad habit as chewing on one side of the jaw is very dangerous for teeth and gums.

However, the most important cause of periodontitis is poor oral hygiene, which leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microbes in the gum pockets that cause gum inflammation. At first, they bleed when brushing your teeth, when eating solid food, and then the ligamentous apparatus - and the teeth themselves - are involved in the destruction process. Initially, the teeth become loose, and eventually they can fall out. 

Symptoms of periodontitis.

Unfortunately, when to come to our dentistry with the problem of periodontitis, then this is a long-standing advanced stage of the disease. Periodontitis begins with bleeding gums and bad breath. You can do a small test - take a hard apple, bite it, and if a pink rim remains on the apple, then you urgently need to see a doctor. Or just pay attention to the foam of the toothpaste when brushing your teeth: if it turns pink, then these are symptoms of periodontitis.

What are the consequences of periodontitis and the impact of this disease on the whole body? In addition to a toothless smile, the infection in the oral cavity and the microorganisms that multiply there can spread to the farthest corners of our body. This happens through the bloodstream, by swallowing directly (through the gastrointestinal tract), and even by inhaling these microorganisms. Subsequently, you can get diseases such as a special type of pneumonia, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, and endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, including damage to the valve apparatus). And if we talk about pregnant women, it can lead to premature birth. 

To summarize ... In order not to miss the disease, you need to pay attention to 5 symptoms:

  1. Discomfort and inflammation of the gums.
  2. Bleeding gums.
  3. Bad breath.
  4. Tooth sensitivity.
  5. Plaque or tartar.

Treatment of periodontitis.

As soon as you see the first symptoms of periodontitis mentioned above, do not start self-medicating. Remember, this is already a manifestation of pathology. If there is dental plaque, the patient is unable to clean this accumulation of microbes on their own - here you need to see a dentist. But between visits to the dentist, for a fairly long period of time (in case of gingivitis, this disease can be cured), a person can maintain the oral cavity in normal shape by means of enhanced hygiene, which we teach with the help of additional means.

Dentists perform not only an external examination of the oral cavity, but also measurements of periodontal pockets. An X-ray examination is performed. An orthopantomogram is made, where we can see changes in bone tissue and the condition of each tooth.

The next stage of periodontitis treatment is oral hygiene. Our hygienist will perform a gentle ultrasonic treatment of each tooth, removing dental plaque (tartar) above and below, polishing the teeth and interdental spaces. After mechanical treatment, the stage of deep fluoridation of tooth enamel is carried out to reduce their sensitivity. Immediately, the periodontist will prescribe you a medication for home use. Our dentist will help you choose the right oral care products for you, such as toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash.

The difference between gingivitis and periodontitis and periodontal disease.

For a person without a special medical education, it is difficult to distinguish between gum disease. Therefore, in the table we have described the characteristic signs of gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease 


  • Initial (mild) stage of gum disease.
  • Inflammation of the tooth surface (bleeding is rare).


  • Stage 2 gum disease.
  • Gum pain, tooth mobility, and rarely itching.


  • Advanced stage of gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Bone damage that causes tooth loss.

Is it true that the wrong toothpaste can harm your gums and teeth?  

In Oleksiuk Dentistry, patients who have disease periodontitis, we do not recommend using toothpastes with whitening effects in any case, as they will do more harm than good, as they contain a lot of abrasive, which makes microcracks in the enamel and thus damages the gums. Tooth color can be changed only with the help of professional tools and only in the dentist's chair. Remember, gum health is serious. 

What should you do to never be ashamed of your smile?

Everyone says that you need to brush your teeth, and everyone says, "We brush our teeth! Brushing your teeth and brushing your teeth are two different things, so you need to follow the recommendations given by your dentist and brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, namely before and after breakfast, and always before going to bed. Brushing should be of really high quality, the kind that cleanses, not just cleanses. In conclusion, I would like to say that if you find the first signs of gum disease, you urgently need to go to dentistry. Even if you follow all the rules, an obligatory part of the prevention of periodontal tissue treatment should be the control of a dentist - a periodontist.

How to treat periodontitis in dentistry "Oleksiuk" - gum curettage (Ternopil).

In our clinic, we perform treatment with the help of a gum curettage procedure. We invite you to watch a video about the procedure of periodontitis treatment. 

Take care of yourself and be healthy - Dentistry "Oleksiuk"