Professional teeth cleaning - tartar removal and teeth polishing.

According to survey statistics, almost one in three people recalls a visit to the dental office as the most unpleasant and painful experience. There are many different dental diseases, and none of them ever goes away on its own. So, in order to get rid of pain and discomfort, you need to go to the dentist. Reducing the frequency of these visits is not only possible, but necessary. To do this, it is enough to observe oral hygiene.

Normal home dental hygiene is mandatory, but you need to visit a dental office for professional dental cleaning at least once a year. Our dentist, periodontist Oleksandra Kolba, told us in detail how to take care of your teeth properly. We offer you to watch a short video on oral hygiene.

Professional oral hygiene.

In the process of professional dental cleaning, the deposits on the teeth are destroyed by specialized tools and instruments. Modern technologies and equipment make it possible to painlessly clean even thick plaque. The final result of this procedure in dentistry is enamel lightening by about two times. In addition, the procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the gums - they stop bleeding and strengthen.

Previously, professional teeth cleaning was performed only with the help of mechanical tools, which undoubtedly caused discomfort and pain for the patient. In this way, it was possible to get rid of only minor plaque.

Modern methods allow you to completely clean tooth enamel even in hard-to-reach places. More professional dental offices use three methods:

  • by ultrasound;
  • mechanical devices;
  • with the help of Kavo Prophyflex;
  • Air Flow cleaning

Each of the techniques does an excellent job and has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. The most modern technique is Kavo Prophyflex. It allows for a complete comprehensive cleaning. Other methods of professional teeth cleaning almost always include other stages: polishing, fluoridation, additional whitening, etc.

Many people are interested in the questions "is professional cleaning really necessary, and what are the benefits?" and "does it hurt?". The answer is yes, it is definitely necessary, and it is not painful. Regular visits to dental offices for dental cleaning allow you to:

  • strengthen the overall condition of the tooth structure;
  • to get rid of early symptoms of pathologies and provide treatment at an early stage;
  • get rid of caries and plaque, etc.

The difference in the condition of the enamel before and after dental cleaning is significant. An additional advantage of professional dental cleaning is that regardless of the type of technique used, every patient can use this service, as it has virtually no contraindications.

Regular visits to the dental office for professional teeth cleaning will allow you to:

  • remove tartar deposits;
  • remove plaque;
  • get rid of unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth;
  • strengthen the gums;
  • lighten the "smile" by a couple of tones, etc.

Professional teeth cleaning with ultrasound.

This procedure is performed using a specialized ultrasonic scaler that creates vibrations of waves of different lengths that are applied to the instrument tip.

Such an effect on plaque disrupts its integrity, which leads to its destruction, exposure to water leads to its removal, while the tooth remains intact.

The parallel use of sound waves and water allows you to quickly remove even thick layers of plaque, while keeping the temperature of the teeth stable - which prevents them from compromising their integrity.

Professional teeth cleaning with ultrasonic equipment has several contraindications. If the patient is prone to any disease from the list below, then he or she should not undergo this procedure:

  1. Severe forms of various chronic diseases.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Infectious diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, etc.).
  4. High level of tooth sensitivity.
  5. Also, this procedure should not be performed on children under the age of two.



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  • Professional hygiene of the RT with ultrasound and sodojet apparatus 1800 UAH

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Cleaning and polishing teeth with Kavo Prophyflex and Air Flow

Special attention should be paid to the Kavo Prophyflex teeth cleaning and polishing. The principle of this technique is based on the use of sandblasting. In fact, this technique is the same as Air Flow, except that the abrasive substance is a specialized powder. It is capable of painless removal:

  • tartar;
  • plaque;
  • stains from coffee and dyes;
  • In addition, the technique strengthens the general condition of the teeth and gums.

An additional feature of this cleaning method is that, in addition to complete enamel cleaning, it also makes it possible to grind teeth.

Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow.

The name of this type of cleaning speaks for itself, the principle of removing plaque and calculus is based on the use of a strong jet of air, which, to achieve the maximum level, can be diluted with water and abrasive substances, such as baking soda.

The air flow cleans the surface of the tooth enamel because the soda hits the tooth at high speed, which destroys plaque and calculus. Thanks to the water, it is washed away without raising the temperature of the tooth itself. There is a subtype of the Air Flow procedure called Perio Flow.

This technique is used to remove tartar located under the gums. The principle of its operation is the same as the Air Flow procedure, except that the abrasive substance is not soda, but glycine in powder form. This technique can get rid of not only plaque and tartar, but also traces of smoking, dyes, etc.

The procedure is completely painless, which allows you to avoid anesthesia. The only disadvantage of this method of professional teeth cleaning is that it is not able to remove old plaque from tooth enamel. The Air Flow teeth cleaning procedure is not recommended for patients suffering from the following diseases:

  • various gum diseases;
  • The air jet has a negative effect on the gums, which are weakened when they are sick, and therefore the brushing process can damage them even more;
  • respiratory diseases - asthma, bronchitis, etc.

Professional teeth cleaning with braces.

Braces are a mechanism that is installed on the teeth to help align them. It is clear that tooth enamel in the place of their attachment is difficult to access. It does not lend itself well to self-cleaning with conventional toothpastes, rinses, etc. In order to keep your teeth in a healthy condition, it is necessary to perform a professional cleaning procedure when using braces.

It is practically no different from the above methods, except that before the process begins, the dentist prepares the patient's teeth. The preparatory stage consists in applying a special dye to the tooth enamel, which darkens in places of plaque and calculus accumulation. Thus, the dentist can observe the areas of plaque and calculus accumulation.

Professional teeth cleaning - the price.

The cost of this service depends on several factors - the chosen technique and the general condition of the patient's tooth enamel, etc. To find out the specific price of the procedure, you need to contact our dental hygienist. He will examine the condition of your teeth and oral cavity, and then inform you of the cost of the procedure. Obviously, it is not worth mentioning that saving on your health has never led to anything good, and will not lead to anything good. When choosing a dental office, you need to take into account not only its pricing policy, but also the quality of service, equipment, etc.


Tartar removal with ultrasound.

Ultrasonic tartar removal is one of the most effective ways to prevent and professionally clean the oral cavity. It is imperative for everyone to maintain tooth enamel hygiene, because most diseases develop due to tartar and plaque. The latter should be discussed in more detail. The main advantage of tartar removal using ultrasonic equipment is that it allows you to get rid of deposits of any shape and even in hard-to-reach places. First of all, the procedure allows you to get rid of:

  • a stone located above the gum;
  • of the girdle stone;
  • pigmented plaque;
  • mineralized plaque, etc.

In Oleksiuk Dentistry, the procedure of tartar removal with ultrasound is performed efficiently and professionally, which allows you to maintain oral hygiene and thus prevent the development of diseases in their early stages. Negative reviews appear mainly due to the fact that many dentists remove only the stone located above the gums, completely ignoring other deposits. Such cleaning is not able to fully help the patient, and it also has an extremely bad effect on the general condition of the teeth. The accumulation of deposits leads to the destruction of the periosteum, teeth, gums, etc. As you can already understand, you should not believe negative reviews. It is enough just to go to a really high-quality dental office, especially since with the help of modern equipment, the procedure is performed absolutely painlessly.

How is the procedure for removing tartar with ultrasound performed?

The basis of this procedure is the use of specialized equipment - an ultrasonic scaler. It can exist as a stand-alone device, as well as be built into the main dental unit. The most important component of such an instrument is its tip. At its end, a special nozzle is attached, the quality of which directly affects the success of ultrasonic tartar removal. The main purpose of this part is to create oscillatory movements at high frequencies (in the approximate range of values from 25 to 50 kilohertz).

The main purpose of this part is to create oscillatory movements at high frequencies (in the range of 25 to 50 kilohertz). That is why the technique is called "ultrasonic". During the operation of the mechanism, water is continuously supplied to its end, which is immediately removed through a special channel.

Ultrasonic tartar removal is performed by two operations simultaneously:

  1. Oscillatory movement of the tip. The dentist destroys the structure of plaque and calculus. In turn, water, which is continuously supplied to the tip, immediately washes away the remnants of the stone. In this process, there is an important parameter, if not observed, the quality of the final cleaning result will differ significantly for the worse. Longitudinal movement of the instruments. This method allows you to simultaneously remove tartar and leave your teeth intact.
  2. Ultrasonic cavitation. The water supplied to the scaler tip is needed not only to wash out the destroyed stone, but also to cool the instrument and teeth. The essence is that the vibrations made by the scaler contribute to the appearance of microscopic bubbles in the water structure, which immediately disappear, releasing a fairly significant amount of energy. It is due to this energy that the complete destruction and destruction of tartar occurs.

An additional advantage is that this process has an antibacterial effect on the entire human oral cavity.

Contraindications to tartar removal by ultrasound

Unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of the opportunity to perform tartar removal using ultrasonic equipment. However, you should not think that if for some reason you cannot use the service of professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning, then you should not do it. After all, it is always possible to undergo mechanical cleaning, but it is recommended to do it no more than once a year. Thus, people who cannot use the service of removing subgingival tartar and other types of tartar with the help of ultrasound cannot use the service:

  • have jaw implants;
  • suffer from various heart diseases;
  • suffer from asthma and bronchitis;
  • are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, etc.);
  • Also, tartar removal with ultrasound should not be performed during pregnancy.

Advantages of professional cleaning with ultrasonic equipment

Previously, when only mechanical methods could be used to perform tartar removal, this procedure was not popular in dental offices. This was due to the relatively high level of tooth enamel injury, high probability of damage to the tooth structure, etc.

The modern ultrasonic cleaning technique allows not only to completely get rid of tartar and plaque painlessly and in a short time, but also to guarantee the integrity of the teeth and the absence of any consequences. There are several main advantages of this technique:

  1. Versatility - an ultrasonic scaler allows you to simultaneously get rid of plaque, tartar of all types, etc. A distinctive feature of this equipment is that there are a large number of attachments for it. Some cope better with large deposits, others allow you to clean tooth enamel in hard-to-reach places, etc.
  2. Comfort - the ultrasonic cleaning procedure is absolutely painless. This is especially true for people who suffer from dentophobia. Even if you have an increased level of tooth sensitivity, you will experience minimal discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Antibacterial effect - ultrasonic cleaning not only allows you to get rid of tartar and plaque, but also has a comprehensive antiseptic effect on the entire oral cavity.

How much does tartar removal cost?

The price issue is always a concern for everyone. It is important to remember that you should never skimp on your health. Professional cleaning of tooth enamel with the help of ultrasonic equipment is a fairly common procedure that has long been no longer something new and modern. Therefore, you can be sure that the cost of the service will definitely not "hit your pocket".


Our doctors

Artem Viktorovych
Oleksandra Anatolivna
Ivan Mykolayovych
Natalia Yaroslavivna
Olena Okhotnytska
Artur Valeriyovych
Iryna Anatoliyivna
Vasily Vasilyevich
Alina Zinovievna
Yevheniia Volodymyrivna
Pediatric dentist
Olga Olehivna
Pediatric dentist

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