Prevention of caries


Teeth fluoridation

Teeth fluoridation is a procedure that is most often needed by people who have a high level of tooth sensitivity or a tendency to caries.

How is fluoridation performed? To successfully perform this procedure, a mixture of specialized solutions is used. Their chemical composition contains fluoride ions that affect the teeth, saturating their surface. By fluoridating the enamel, the teeth receive a kind of protective film that prevents the influence of an acidic environment on their condition. The final result of this procedure is that much less bacteria and other harmful microorganisms accumulate on the enamel surface.

The fluoridation process slows down and prevents the development of caries and plaque. Very often, parents are interested in the question "at what age can I undergo the procedure of teeth cleaning and fluoridation". The answer to this question is very easy to find, because modern techniques and tools allow the dentist to perform this procedure absolutely painlessly for the patient. Thus, even preschool children can have their teeth fluoridated. There are two main methods of teeth fluoridation: conventional and deep.

How is a conventional procedure performed? The main tool of the dentist in this case is a special spoon that looks like a dental impression. It is made of wax. The recess on the instrument is filled with an individually selected complex of solutions and preparations, the chemical composition of which contains a large amount of fluoride. The spoon is placed on the enamel surface and left in this position for about a quarter of an hour. Depending on the general condition of the patient's enamel, the process can be repeated several times, but no more than fifteen.

There is no definite answer to the question "how long does the effect of the procedure last?". It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's teeth, the products used, the patient's susceptibility to caries, etc. For some, one procedure may be enough for several years, while for others it may be enough for only six months.

Deep fluoridation of teeth

Deep fluoridation of teeth is a more advanced method, unlike the usual one. The difference in results is quite high. This procedure allows you to saturate not only the enamel surface but also the entire tooth with fluoride and calcium.

Do I need to have my teeth fluoridated? Yes, it is definitely necessary. As a result of this process, the enamel will become strong, and the teeth will receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins to maintain their healthy condition. The strength and protection of teeth after fluoridation increases by about eight to ten times.


Stages of teeth fluoridation - how does this procedure work?

Deep fluoridation of teeth takes place in three consecutive stages:

  • Preparatory stage. Before starting the fluoridation procedure, the dentist performs preliminary preparation of the patient's oral cavity. It includes thorough cleaning of tooth enamel from plaque and dirt.
  • Next, the surface of the teeth is dried using special equipment that supplies a warm stream of air. After this part is completed, enamel is applied to the surface of the teeth, which contains a substance that seals the liquid. The applied solution dries for about five minutes.
  • The final stage - is the fluoridation process itself. First, the tooth coating is stewed. The enamel is treated with a cotton swab containing a special milk, the chemical composition of which contains copper and calcium hydroxide. Then the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed. After contact with water, small calcium crystals are formed with hydroxide, the structure of which allows them to quickly penetrate the pores of the teeth.

If we draw parallels between conventional and deep fluoridation, the latter provides a fluoride concentration in the tooth structure that is about five times higher. The deep fluoridation procedure creates a reliable protective barrier on the tooth enamel. The effect of the final result of the work can last for several years. A patient with fluoridated teeth can be protected from caries and plaque for a long time. The created layer not only protects the teeth from external factors and caries, but also prevents the accelerated release of calcium from their internal structure. Oleksiuk Dentistry recommends that you undergo deep fluoridation no more than once a year. However, depending on the characteristics of the patient's teeth, the process can be performed more often, but the dentist must, without fail, monitor the fluoride content of the teeth.


The positive effect of tooth enamel fluoridation is undeniable. Specialized varnishes, gels and other products significantly contribute to strengthening the general condition of the teeth and are their fortress. Medicinal compositions containing fluoride should be used in such situations as:

  • Prevention to reduce the chances of the appearance and development of diseases, caries, etc.
  • A large amount of tooth decay;
  • After wearing braces;
  • In the process of the final stage of tooth restoration or recovery;
  • If necessary, reduce the overall level of tooth sensitivity;
  • After the enamel whitening procedure.

An interesting fact is that fluoridation is very often performed on children with milk teeth. In this case, both exogenous and endogenous methods can be used. This allows you to significantly strengthen the teeth, completely get rid of and prevent further development of primary caries.


Unfortunately, not everyone can use the service of deep and conventional fluoridation. In the presence of such factors, it is impossible to perform the described procedure:

  • allergic to any components present in medicinal varnishes, gels, etc. (in this case, the problem can be solved by choosing another medicine);
  • with pronounced endemic mottling of the teeth;
  • with an increased concentration of fluoride in water in the structure of enamel and teeth.

Teeth fluoridation during pregnancy

Dentists are often asked, "Can pregnant women undergo fluoridation?" The answer is "Yes!". Fluoridation of teeth during pregnancy allows you to saturate the tooth structure with all the necessary minerals and nutrients. The increased concentration of fluoride in the teeth helps to strengthen them.

By the way, the body of pregnant women is significantly weakened during gestation, and this also applies to teeth. In addition, fluoridation is not only painless, but it is also absolutely safe for the baby. If, for some reason, a woman in a position to visit the dental office cannot, she can use special products, fluoridated toothpastes with a whitening effect, etc.

Teeth fluoridation with mouth guards

If for some reason, whether it's dentophobia or something else, you can't visit the dentist, then you can use fluoridation mouthguards as an alternative. There are two main types of such devices: regular mouth guards, or jaw guards made from an impression. It is clear that the second option is superior to the first in every way.

The method of using the mouthguards is very simple: just fill the containers under the teeth with the medicine and put them on the teeth. In this state, you need to wait about 15-20 minutes. The standard fluoridation course is fifteen days, one mouthguard per day.


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  • Extraction of a milk tooth from 500 UAH
  • Treatment of caries of a milk tooth from 800 UAH
  • Fissure sealing from 500 UAH
  • Oxygen sedation (nitrous oxide) 30 minutes from 600 UAH

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Benefits of fluoridation

Every procedure, process, service, etc. has a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. Teeth fluoridation: harm and benefits - the process has virtually no negative impact on the patient.

The following factors may be among the advantages of fluoridation:

  • providing an increased level of protection for both primary and molar teeth against caries;
  • Teeth fluoridation - does it hurt or not? - due to the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless for patients, it can be performed even for small children;
  • Fluoridation has not only a protective and therapeutic effect, but also significantly whitens teeth, allowing you to get rid of unpleasant yellowness and other pigments.
  • The procedure reduces the high level of enamel sensitivity to various irritants;
  • Fluoridation also increases the strength and durability of the filling material, thus reducing the frequency of visits to dental offices.

Which is better: silvering or fluoridation of teeth?

Very often patients choose between fluoridation or silvering. Undoubtedly, the question "which is better" is asked very often. These two procedures are very similar to each other, but fluoridation has several advantages over silvering. First of all, fluoride does not darken the teeth in any way, when silvering the teeth are colored black, which remains throughout the course. Secondly, silvering simply eliminates the existing caries, but does not strengthen the enamel and does not prevent its further development.


Dental care after the fluoridation procedure

After the fluoridation process, a person continues to lead a normal life. There are no significant restrictions on foods and drinks that can be consumed. However, there are a number of recommendations that are desirable to follow, as this will help to maintain the effect of the procedure for a long time.

  • It is necessary to rinse the mouth daily with specialized products containing herbal extracts.
  • You need to exclude from your usual diet foods that contribute to the appearance of caries. This list includes sweets, flour muffins, and foods high in fat and salt.
  • In the first two to three days after the fluoridation procedure, you should exclude too cold and too hot foods from your diet.
  • After fluoridation, it is not enough to brush your mouth and teeth with a regular brush. You should floss along with it, as it is the only way to clean hard-to-reach places.
  • Once every six months, you need to undergo an examination in a dental office.
  • If after the fluoridation procedure the sensitivity of the tooth enamel has increased and this causes discomfort, it is imperative to visit a dentist.

Important: before going to the dental office to undergo fluoridation, you need to find out the amount of fluoride in the water of your locality. The fact is that a low concentration of this element in the structure of teeth contributes to the development of various diseases, as well as caries, but its increased amount is simply dangerous for the general condition of the human body.

Teeth fluoridation - price

The cost of a fluoridation procedure depends on the specific drug used, the type of fluoride that will be used, etc. In addition, the final cost may also be affected by the individual characteristics of the patient and the condition of his or her teeth. In any case, you should not save on your health, and especially on your teeth, as this is the only tissue of the human body that does not have the ability to regenerate.


Our doctors

Artem Viktorovych
Oleksandra Anatolivna
Ivan Mykolayovych
Natalia Yaroslavivna
Olena Okhotnytska
Artur Valeriyovych
Iryna Anatoliyivna
Vasily Vasilyevich
Alina Zinovievna
Yevheniia Volodymyrivna
Pediatric dentist
Olga Olehivna
Pediatric dentist

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